Dear NERSC users of GitLab,

Due to several factors, including end-of-life constraints on our host machine as well as the availability of alternatives, we have decided to discontinue the GitLab service. Operating this service at NERSC has incurred a significant cost per user as well as costs in staff time and effort. Looking forward at the current landscape we see numerous options that we believe offer advantages over this model. For example:

For projects that want CI/CD testing, public code hosting services like or can be used in conjunction with a NERSC-provided container that mimics the Perlmutter environment for free testing on CPUs.

For projects not using CI/CD, public code hosting services like or offer free code hosting services for both public and private repositories in addition to better uptime guarantees.

The GitLab service will cease to function on Jan. 14th, 2025, the end of the allocation year. After this date, you will not be able to access code you have stored on the server. Please download any code you have on the server and migrate your projects before this time. In the event that a significant security vulnerability is discovered, the GitLab service may have an expedited shutdown timeline, so please prioritize exporting your data at your earliest convenience.

If you have not accessed your account in over 90 days, your access may have been blocked in order to prevent us from exceeding the number of users in our current license. In order to gain access again please send a notice to

For more information about migrating projects, see

Supporting your scientific goals is important to NERSC staff. Therefore it is our aim to be a helpful resource during this transition process. If you have any questions, would like personalized advice about this process or are interested in collaborating as we develop alternatives, please reach out to us at

Best Regards,

Erik Palmer